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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
unevoluted giraffe
chinese new yr
Wash ur hurt with tears
X 2
sky drop? well treat it like a blanket~
growing up
not sotong!
whew - first wk of sch over
1st day of school..

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Thursday, February 09, 2006
Rain + Sunshine = Rainbow @ 7:00 PM

Argh. Pc today. Hmm. make us become rabbits liddat. Have to jump over so many obstacles, den dash all the way. Did it until the rain comes. and we continued lor.. ='( But it's kind of worth it, cos i get to see a rainbow for the first time in my life. Pity I was perspiring like mad and half out of breath, or I could hv taken a pic of it. Or rather try to. Anyway, my hp wasnt even with mi. It was so beautiful! However, being the unique (or rather, strange) me, instead of going woo and wah over that nicely formed rainbow, I told my friends that the rainbow looks like the nonya Kueh lapis. diaox. It's not everyday tt u can see such a complete rainbow wor. It stretched all across the sky, and all the seven colours were present. So lucky.

And something occured to me. Sunshine and rain mixed, u'll get rainbow. To some of you, it may be nothing. but to me, it's a metaphor in life. weeeets. So qiao.

the the hours just seem to fly by..Every other day seems the same, except for weekends. Cos i'll be doing da same thing over and over again. I cant even tell tue and thur apart. and if u ask mi "what did u do on monday?".. i will go like.. "ermm...i dun rmb." Seriously. I've tried asking myself.

I feel much more alert this week though. compared to last week. cos last wk i was totally so dead. Although onli got 3 days of lesson. I'm starting to think that my cca is making me real tired. If i dun attend cca, i feel so energized. if i did, i will end up feeling dead for the rest of the week. wells. went to attend a talk on proteins at HCI on wed, so didnt go for cca. and i feel so much better. that's saying something yar? I'm dreading my cca. =X

Anyway, kind of feel like sorry for my bio teacher. Not that im siao or sth, but when i walked along this corridor, i saw her as a lone figure standing there and watching ppl play squash like she dun hv any other things to do. She isn't exactly young anymore, and she spent half of her life studying, and the other half teaching. It's like "no life", see?cos besides these two things, like nothing much hv been done in life. And she isn't married. so where did she get her motivation from? Even worst, many students dislike her, and complained tt she's boring and old fashioned. It's like, how many pple actually care for her? How do a person survive without love and care? I'm seriously puzzled. At that particular moment, she looked so alone... I was thinking; what if i turned up to be like her? I don't want leh. True, u'll get a decent pay and all. but is life just about having a shelter, food to eat and enuff money to spend? No. I always believe in the theory that when women grow up, they get married. at least that's what happening in my family. What if I don't? I'll never get to be a pretty bride (like i wished to when i was young) and what's more, can I bear the shame of taking angpow frm my relatives when i grow old?

Sighs. Life is so full of unanswered questions, and there's no perfect answer to it. The best answer u can get, is through trial and error.

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