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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
Helix piercing
The moon is made of green cheese
My poor ring finger
Finish all assignments (except for one)
Changed my blogskin
Wasabi fish fillet
..So much to do..
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My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Thursday, December 11, 2008
Beijing trip @ 3:23 PM

This post is a bit post-dated because of my innate laziness. Simply too lazy to post those pictures up. haha. Anyway I was also busy catching up with dramas which I couldn't catch when I was studying :)) Anyway, this post will be solely dedicated to my Beijing trip! For the millionth time (and the answer will not change even if you ask me a billion times), the trip is wonderful! :D though I don't really like going with tours cos there will ALWAYS be black sheep which make us wait, wait and wait. What a waste of my limited time in a foreign country yar? -huffs- That aside, ..........

1st day:
WELCOME TO BEIJING! :))))) The airport is wonderful! It is larger than T3. Did I mention that it is the airport which occupies the most amount of space? Could I possibly be standing on the exact spot that Phelps did?? omgomg. The excitedness.

The hotel (Crowne Plaza international) - look at the stuff it offers. haha peanuts, tea,coffee, chocolates, liquor and more (ahem).

The comfortable queen sized bed.

With an attached phone and working area.

The toilet?

The toiletries. I know, I must be crazy taking pictures of these. haha.
Random picture of a tree on the streets.

Inside some restaurant:

Look at the wide selection of seafood!

You can even find this in a restaurant. Anyway, I think Beijing restaurants are wonderful. Each have their own unique theme.
The entrance of 天坛

The spot where my sis and I were standing is where the emperor used to stand!! WE are two little empresses on that day.

Tian an men square 天安门广场. Freaking cold weather on that day!!!! it is minus 9!! I never felt so much like a slab of frozen meat before! It is hard being a piece of frozen meat! 真是寒风刺骨啊!You can see Mao zedong's picture behind (vaguely). haha. I don't look like myself in this pic! Wonder if cold wind distort one's features? hmmmm.

Another random pic of a tree again. loveeee treees. pretty yar?
This used to be a part of Forbidden city.
To make a fullstop to my first day, we went to watch some acrobat show, which is kind of nice, but I keep falling asleep during the show because the music was so hypnotic and I barely sleep on the plane.
2nd day:
Stoning - caught. Anyway we are outside Forbidden City. 故宫

午门。For dragging people out to be executed.
Why did I cover my face??
The path where women walk. All the concubines etc.

A special tree. The two trees are connected. Just like a couple holding hands.

The beautiful ceiling.
Hungry. Having icecream that won't melt! Winter is wonderful for icecreams!!! :DDD

The summer palace.

Beijing at night. No night life. No cars.

Well, might as well look at some lightings. haha. Bird cube. 水丽方

The famous bird nest. 鸟巢

3rd day:
Breakfast. All of us look so glum.
The highway.
Another 世界之最。最多明朝皇帝埋葬的地点 - 十三陵

The tombs are made of nan mu. Which is really rare.

The tour guide ask us to take lesser photos of the emperor's tombs so we didn't. We are supertitious Chinese.
Next, we went to some place which makes coloured pottery.

Next up, we went to the Great Wall of China!! And the guide told us that it is completely rubbish to think that from the moon, we can see this wall. haha. 长城. I look ready to climb!

Prior to climbing. Look at those locks! They are placed there by couples. They say that if you put those locks along the great wall, then you will be together forever. Couples, you hear?

Taking a rest on the steps. Apparently, u can't smoke on the Great wall. lol!


The horrible steps. I wonder what 古人look like. cos those steps are twice as high as normal steps! and half as narrow! They must have long legs and small feet -.-

The locks revisited. I found them so interesting!
At night, we had dinner at the famous 同仁堂. I tell you, inside is super super big and magnificent!! Exactly like those period time banquet courts. Wow wow and wow!!!! Why singapore dun have??
After dinner, went to wanfujing streets to shop. It's super cold. We saw these statues and took pics. haha.

Did they kope the xmas tree from Orchard??

A beautiful church.

Inside the hotel. haha. My snoopy sweater is so cutsey!

4th day:
trishaw ride. My first. Going to Hutong! Visiting a home in Hutong. A 4th grade official used to live here!! (if you are not familiar, officials rank from 1st to 9th, 9th being the smallest).
Inside. The girls sleep on the East side and boys on the West. The chinese really believe in 男左女右Out of hutong. Along the streets.

Riding a trishaw is nice.

Next up, the gu lou. 鼓楼

Beijing roast duck for lunch! Nice and succulent. Chopping up the duck.

At night, shopping at the cheap cheap, bargain-ful 秀水街. Winter wear here is cheap cheap! And you can bargain till siao..
Taking pics at the Place. They call it the place with most TV screens. nice.

5th day:
went to watch the pandas! The national treasure. Extremely cute and cuddly.
The pandas used their butt to face us!!!???

The emo panda.

The greedy panda. you can barely see its body.

Bamboo shoots behind. food for the panda.

After visiting the cuties, we went to to Deshengmen! 得盛门

Took pics with the canon on top.
We are eating sausage in front of a temple! Anyway the temple is is Tibetian one, build in the place where Qianlong emperor was born. It is called 永和宫

Devotees. I'm a super extra in the pic! haha.
The tablet is in four languages! just like singapore which have chi, eng, malay, tamil, this tablet contains tibetian, manchurian, han (chinese), and mongolian.

That's the last tourist attraction I went! Anyway all these pictures are "selected" from my collection. haha. I couldn't possibly finish uploading them. Hope you enjoy these pictures! Next on my China list to go is Shanghai!!! :)))))

PS: I may look very fat in the pictures because I wore four layers of clothings!! haha. Don't laugh. It is THAT cold.

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