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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
a sHoRt pOsT
my best friend
a BaD hOsT
siStEr's bIrThdAy
a dAy iN sChoOL
a fUn bUt eVeNtfUL dAy
o LeVeL ReSuLts
fReAkInG oUt

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Monday, March 14, 2005
IT fAIR @ 12:58 AM

Early in the morning (early for me anyway, 11.30am btw), the first msg I received is from ah gong, asking me to go out. Since I got nth betta to do anyway, then agree lor.. In the end, go out with yl, ah gong and hx.. Haha.. It was a torture having go to the suntec IT fair..

The minute I reached suntec, have to climb THREE esculators.. Switched off on purpose or not, I'm not sure. But I'm pretty sure of my bad temper after going through that. I simply hate squeezing with people. Although I'm small sized, yea, and I can squeeze thru easily. Ya, back to the IT fair. Squeezed through millions of people, and by the time we reached the desired destination (CREATIVE, that is), I'm sweating lots, got my toes stamped on two painful times, and feeling faint (cos of lack of oxygen). Naturally, I was in quite a sour mood. It's really a bad thing being short (besides being able to squeeze through crowds easily and gracefully), cos the
whole time I was there, I was surrounded on all sides by people who are taller than me. Which means I'm at their chest height, and had to endure all different kinds of ordours. Ew~ Nevermind that, my mood improved slightly when I saw all these Mp3 players. So stylish nice and cheap...! But I got no money liao... Seriously. I want one! Anybody wanna buy me one? Only priced at $219.. Cheap right?

Then, hx want me to turn some lucky draw knob. Then in the end, helped him win an umbrella and a water bottle. Although not very good la, but at least got something right?? Some people cant even hit jackpot lor.. Haha.. I was quite diao when I heard tt we actually came there jus to get some lucky draw prize. Argh! Have to make me squeeze through so many people. Haha, but nvm la, at least it kept me occupied for the whole day. After that, went to buy jr's present. Dunno whether she will like it or not.. Haha..

Around evening, went to walk from suntec to lau pa sat to have dinner there lor.. Some bright idea of hanxiang. But it was a pretty nice stroll. Haha.. I thought they were joking when they said they want some bbq seafood stuff. It was pretty ex for people like us. But, in the end, it turned out to be serious. Aha. It was a nice and full dinner. Thanks ah gong and yl for paying for my drinks, and hx, for his attempt to treat me dinner. I returned him his money hor.. haha... tt way i'll feel much better. Cos i eat as much as them lor..

then took a nice long walk from lau pa sat to cityhall station. Was singing and cheering during the walk back. Then all of them thought I was drunk or something. No hor~ I didn't touch alcohol tt day. Just tt I saw no one ard ma, then they are close friends and noe my awful singing, so i jus sang lor.. Haha... not tt i dun lk to sing, but i really cant sing.. Some people, like ah gong, will probably give me some smug look and say : "glad u know tt." haha, then i will go peng.

During the mrt ride home, I was fiddling with hx's phone and listening to his music player. played taufik's "I dream" , jay's "an jing", "ge qian" and "qi li xiang" real loud. There was one part when jay's ge qian chorus got so loud that I swear some auntie turned over and gave me a "bu shuang" look.. haha.. so i was damn pai seh, so I attempted to lower down the vol lor..

After the train ride, went to walk around jp for a little while, to check the price of chicken essence. For some reason lah.. Not that i so bo liao until liddat. Walked home with them also lor.. although they dun live near me, but it was kind of a responsibility right? Aha. So nice being a girl. Then saw this monstrous roach crawling in front of me and I SCREAM. AND RUN. AND HOP. AND JUMP all the way across the road, all the while screeching. Lol~ It was a reflex action by the way. Thank you very much. they were going peng by my huge reaction, but tt didn't stop them from laughing at me. Argh~

Went home, bathe, watch a bit of news and WWF.. Nothing much to blog liao. Got to go my aunt's hse tml. Great grandma is kind of sick.

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