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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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o LeVeL ReSuLts
fReAkInG oUt
sUpEr SiAn
sOcCeR iS fUN!!
bOriNg dAy
fAtHeR's bIrThDaY
JJC LuV fiEsTa
sUcH a sAd dAy

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, March 01, 2005
a fUn bUt eVeNtfUL dAy @ 8:15 PM

Yesterday, I promised my friends to meet at Art in the Park at 9am, to play soccer in the street soccer field. But, at 8.46 am, I was still rolling on bed, having my precious sleep. Haiz.. I was having this nice dream about a basketball game, and when it got to the most exciting part, I was awaken by some cannon in D music. Lol, in the dream, it was supposed to be my handphone ringing in the game. I was highly annoyed, so I didn't pick up. But in reality, it IS my handphone ringing, call from kc, wanting to wake me up. Haha, in the end, I got up reluctantly to receive the call. That KC still dare to complain that it took him dunno how many calls to wake me up, when it was HIM who has smashed my beautiful dream at the climax. Aw~ Anyway, I did wake up, bathed, dressed and went to the park. Lol, and EVERYONE was there, waiting to me.. Haiz... So guilty ..

There must be a retribution of some kind in the world I think. Because, in return for my late coming, I got such a bad punishment. It goes like this :
First half of the game, I was playing something like striker, but couldn't aim well, and keep passing ball to opponents.. Sigh.. Lousy performance.
Second half, I decided to play something like defender. It turns out that I was not bad leh, can stop THREE goals, but with painful consequences. The first ball flew in the direction of the goal post, so being the defender that I am, I went to block it. Then it hit my legs with a LOUD "plat" sound. OUCH! The guys asked me whether I'm OK or not, then of course I said I am, though it's painful la. I'm not some fragile ornament k? Within just ONE minute, another ball came flying towards the goalpost, so I was thinking, "maybe i'll be lucky this time." I went forward to stop the ball. Yeah, I saved the ball, but with the painful price that it punched my stomach with such speed, accuracy and hardness. It was more painful than the first one. It even produced a loud "plat." OUCH. The boys and Ann asked me whether im ok or not, for the second time. This time, I forced a smile, trying to act tough, as the pain was still bearable.
Now getting to the climax.
Within another minute, kai jie was dribbling the ball towards the goalpost again. This time, I was smart ok. I didn't try to block it. I just stood there, looking innocently at him, waiting for him to score. And yeah, he aimed it, kicked it with force, and "PLAT". It hit my wrist. Aw!!!!! I just broke down and CRY in front of so many people, because the pain was unbearable! I sprained my wrist.. :'( It was pain, pain, pain and MORE PAIN. I tried forcing another smile, but somehow, it won't come. Only my tears were flowing like a stream. And by the way, have I added that I saved the ball, without intending to? Thanks god, that my friends were concerned about me, so they gave me tissue, asked me this and that, and even bought ice to sooth my sprained wrist. And there were two boy brigade guys there, so they know something about first aid, ya. I really felt very useless!!! What's more, I kind of had a dizzy spell, then everything went blur and my friends' voices sound muffled. Thank god again, it was only for a short while. I was still crying after ten minutes, and whenever I try to move my wrist. Sorry everyone, for being a crybaby and all that. But, I really cannot stand the pain. It wasn't kai jie's fault la, just a plain painful accident.

After the soccer game, we went for lunch then went to Arena country club to play pool. Hey my first time playing pool, and I was like some kind of mountain tortoise. I realised I wasn't talented at all. But, I did make some balls go down that hole, not completely dun have. Although one of the ball was erm... the other team's one. Haiz. After my first pool game, went to play video games. My fighting skills not bad at all. Yeah! I played something fighter one la. I think Guan zhu was pretty shocked to see my violent side (i was ramming the video's buttons furiously) ..

After this, we went home lor.. cos it's already evening liao..

By the way, I used a long time to type all these out, cos I was using one hand to type, as my other hand is still experiencing dull, throbbing pain. Haiz, when will it go off? I wanna play soccer again. Though I think Ann and me like obstacles liddat.. It was fun..!

Ya, so overall a fun, but eventful day.

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