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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
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Lose 2 kilos!
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Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
ghost stories @ 6:02 PM

Weeeets i love ghost stories, cos they scare me silly (sometimes only) such that i forget everything else. It's nice to behave like I was a little girl again. When im a tiny weeny girl, with pea-sized brain and height no more than 1.2 m, the only kind of stories i consider worthy of my ears, were of the ghost and horror kind. Bit morbid for a little girl like me (then). maybe it's the suspense i've enjoyed so much, perhaps it's the mysteries of the unknown, or perhaps i just enjoy having a reason to giggle out of fright.

Those were the days. Reminiscing... i recalled that one of my all-time favourtites was the story abt a fisherman (reckon that sister make it up). Anyway, it isn't really a ghost story -_-" but being young and innocent i was back then, i truely think that its frightening and all that. my eyes were turn saucers-wide (a metaphor only, cos i hv small eyes, no matter how big i forced them to become) everytime i hear it because i was horrific again and again. thinking back, it makes me wanna laugh.

Here goes the story (the main idea anw, cos i cant really rmb):

One fine day (errrs. i shall change it to night, cos it's when ghosts appear, theory-wise), there's this young gentleman who went to a jetty for some afternoon-fishing. he doesn't really know the way around there, cos it's his first time there. It's completely empty, much to his surprise, cos fishing was a popular pasttime at that time. the only company he has to make do with, is a middle aged malay man selling fish in a small store. (such a loophole in the story. how can someone be selling fish at a place where practically everyone is fishing??)
Anyway, that man was pretty unlucky, cos no fishes were caught that day. In order not to look like a fool when he get home empty handed, he decided to ask for some directions, and buy some fish from the malay man. (hehehe he was trying to pretend tt he caught those fishes he bought)
keeping all those fishing equipment in a smart bag, he approach the store. strangely, he felt a shiver down his spine, though it's a normal humid day in singapore.
whatever kind of weird feelings he has, he simply brushed it away. he told the malay man that he wants a few pieces of fish (was too young at that time to know names of diff kinds of fishes. fish is just fish then), and ask for the nearest route to the bus stop. after getting what he wanted, he set out on his journey back home.
When he has almost reached the bus stop, he realised that he left his bag at the store. cursing his ill luck, he doubled back.
[climax] however, when he got back to the very same spot where the store stood just 15mins ago, he found nothing, but only a few dirty stones in place. Suddenly, he was whacked from behind, causing him to fall hard on the dirty concrete floor. Just as sudden as he was whacked, a bolt of lightning split the sky into two, the whole sky turn dark, you hear thunderous sounds rumbling in a distance...(ya u get the idea..). Feeling something was not quite right, he scrambled up and staggered to the few dirty stones. It turn out that they r not stones at all. They are tombs. in a postively frantic state now, the young man just turn and run on his first instinct. then he heard a evil cackling laughter ringing all ard him. whipping back for a last look, he saw the malay man. but now, his feet is no longer on the ground. he was floating towards the evil sky.

Well? a bit crazy right? lolss. Anyway, i love to hear stories...anyone who has a story to share, pls feel free to tell me. kekeke...

feeling a bit puzzled now. is white a colour? By definition, a colour shld be sth that absorbs all other wavelength of light, but reflect the wavelength of its colour. But white is white because it reflects all other wavelength of light. so does that make white a colour?
similarly, black appears black becos it absorb all the wavelength. so is black a colour?
And if neither white nor black is a colour, shld people answer "white/black" when inquired abt their fav colour?

life is full of contradictions.

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