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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
SNYO concert
iT's gOnNa bE a ShOrt oNe
a sHoRt pOsT
my best friend
a BaD hOsT

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
tHroAt iS fAiLiNg @ 10:43 PM

Argh..had so much fun today! went out with ah gong and A-n-n ann (this is invented by han xiang during conference yesterday,haha). It was supposed to be only mi and ann, but ah gong wanna tag along since his boss asked him to take unpaid leave. Diao, where got boss so good one? I think he gonna kanna sacked soon. Sorry, but it's true. Don't worry, u can always look for another job or pei mi go study in jjc. Hahaha. Anyway the day goes like this:

First, went to school in hope of buying uniform. Hey don't say mi kiasu k, but im positive tt i will end up in jjc (which i did of cos.) But in the end, oso nv buy cos dun have my size le. haha, so jus bought pe shorts (i need an extra one) and the school tie, which is horror of the horrors. My god, i didn't see sth tt utterly mismatched our school uniform la. -_-lll Black with brown? Diao. Then after tt, went to the jj pre-orientation thingy, which turns out to be mass dance. I was quite sian diao since there are so few people around. so i just stood there and stone lor.. haha. Pity my poor partner. Aha. The only dance I did move is the chicken dance. Lol.

Then went home and changed. As I was walking home from the interchange, felt quite sick la. My legs turned all jelly and suddenly the world is spinning. Had to grab something to stop myself from collapsing. I dunno - but my dad says maybe due to lack of blood cells or sth. I dunno. I think the reason is that i skipped my breakfast la. Die la, it didn't happened only once lor. k, forget abt it. For the first time in my life, I was early. Lol. i didnt know ah gong was coming until ten mins before they reached. Ann reached first, then ah gong. Haha, so off we go. We are so damn blur lor.. Haha.. In the mrt, we didn't realise that we hv already arrived at somerset and keep talking until veri shuang. then, jus a few milli seconds before the door slams on us, we dashed out at the speed of light. For ur info, it's app 3.0 x 10^8. Haha fast ba?

Went cine sing kbox again. Haha.. Nice. We sang a lot of songs. I tink mi and ann keep hogging the mic, dun let ah gong sing. Haha.. Anyway, tt ah gong keep wanting tong hua. Diao. We sang tt about 3 times I believe? don't believe? Evidence:
wo yuan bian chen, tong hua li,
ni zui ai de tian shi.
zhang kai shuang shou,
bian chen ci pang shou hu ni..
mind u, I came there only knowing the tune and nothing about the lyrics. Haha. So he influenced me, and I almost got crazy cos I keep humming tt tune to myself sub-consciously. Argh. We sang a lot of SHE songs lol. ah gong is selina, mi is hebe, ann is ella. Lol. How funny. But we got exchange roles one la. Now my throat hurts n im losing my voice. I didn't stop talking n singing for a lot of hours leh. Bless my poor throat. I can't cheer tml.. NO WAY. I wan my beautiful voice. And I dun wan to see doctor. Omg.

Ok, after k box, walk aimlessly in isetan and taka becos ann got voucher. And after THREE long hours of walking (so tiring, bless my poor legs too), ann only bought a top price $15. Diao. Not tt i blaming her. I enjoyed myself looking at clothes too. I'm simply too broke to buy any, u see. After tt, we all complained of hunger, so went off for some tidbits. Yum. I bought something like a mini eclair (but strawberry flavoured one) and a choc doughnut. Ah gong oso bought doughnut. Ann's "snack" is the most ex one la. A small cup of ice cream priced at $2.80. Some italian brand. But it's damn nice la. I shall try it some day. Cos i saw tt the choc ice cream looks exactly like thick melted choc, with some chopped nuts. Aw~ I want tt. Next time perhaps. My voice is starting to come out funny. Lol.

Met jennie, hx and helang in je station. Haha. They are wearing very mature clothes. I do feel like a small kid (oh, the guilt. The guilt! Im supposed to be 16+). And I felt quite useless, because I had never work in my whole life. No experience at all. What if i got a stressful first job, then i suffer nervous breakdown? Aw. I think we ought to start simple.

Is jc really good for me? Izzit suitable? Somehow i dun tink it suits. I am not intelligent enuff. Not lack of confidence la, just that i noe my limits. I just know. Stop convincing me, ppl, feeding me lies tt I'm smart. I'm not, k? I'm really not. Two months in jc, and i might find myself crawling to some poly, hoping to appeal in some courses tt no one wants. Argh.

Tml have to reach sch at 7am. Sian diao. see what i mean? schools should be near ur house. HAha.

Anyway, more blessings for my throat. *ahem* /*clears throat

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