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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
woohoo! last dae of school!
mAgiCal aNgeLs
i miss the old days
pre-u seminar prac
b.r.o.k.e.n. d.r.e.a.m.s
finally end of da week..whew
mAth maKeS mE mAd

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
pre u seminar opening ceremony @ 12:38 PM

woke up extremely early today, which is nth less than torture to me in my opinion. its holidays leh.. ask mi wake up so early just for the pre u seminar.. anyway this was my first thought of the day. actually i was having this nightmare before i was awoken roughly by my mom. hmm, recalling in process..... aw, i can still rmb them vividly in the morning, now its all gone. its a torture recalling dreams, because u never can. dun u guys feel that whenever u wanna recall a dream, the image will slowly form in the head, and JUST before remembering the dream, *poof* and its gone. anyway, the best that i can do is that i remembered someone died and there's a lot of blood. it disturbed me a lot, becos i wasn't able to sleep well. i tink it lasts all night, this nightmare. cos i remembered waking up in the middle of the night, with cold sweat dripping down my forehead. why is the air con not on when i needed it? grrr.

the pre u sem gone on quite smoothly, because almost no cars pass by the echoes route. most went by the oscar route. met a group of chinese tourists, asking whether we are NTU students or not. i tink there was this middle aged guy with shades and a big belly, asking me what's interesting in the school. taken aback, i gave him one frightened glance and proceeded to mumble some chinese to my feet. omg is my chinese that bad? i just can't talk in perfect chinese. ouch. what a disgrace to the country. ahahax. anyway, for some reason, they started taking pictures of us using nokia 6230 while we were at opp junctions..we were like...duh..

for some reason, the "over" thing keep getting to me. so irritating. ya, i managed not to say "over what" today, woohoo! but when i was saying "echo 2 to echo 1, over". then the teacher was going "echo 2, what's ur message?" lol, im jus checking whether echo 1 is still there ma.. then other people do the same thing, she oso never ask. lol. i dunno wat happen to me.

hx asked me go movie with the rest of the gang today.. they watch madagascar i think (im not sure how to spell). im nt the least interested in the movie, well no offence to the cute penguins though. why waste money to go into cinema and fall asleep? lol. i remembered there was this time, i watched "lilo and stitch" in the cinema and i started snoozing.zzzz.. yes i agree lilo is cute, but its a fact that the show bore me. i wan Action! aha. cartoons really doesn't rub off me, except really classic cartoons like disney classics, doraemon and "shi2 wan4 ge4 wei4 se3 me4". so after all, im not the kind of girl who are so extremely kawayi that they woo-ed and ahh-ed over any thing that carries a tinge of cuteness. all right, i do like cute things, but there are other factors present too. i dun like things jus becos they are cute.

today, something big struck me. i realised that im not that kind of person who think in a scientific way at all. by saying that, i mean that i do not think of HCl and H2SO4 naturally. i think in such a way that, i wonder about things that have never been discovered in a philosopical sense. things like, "what is life?", "how do we fall in love?" or "how minds work". yup, something liddat. i want to be a philosopher, but i reckon that i can never be one. first, its too useless a job. it doesn't earn me anything by pondering over such things. second, we are living in singapore... when we dunnit this branch of science at all. what we want, are loud bangs and great inventions, not some silly saying about life. *sigh* i hate this way that we are so restricted. i told my sis that i wanna be someone life confucious, and she keep saying that i will end up being "confusion". fine, whatever. im not saying science is no good, but i don't like the way that we are studying something which is only the tip of an iceberg. i like astronomy, the study of the universe. but what do we actually know about it? grrr. i should stop thinking in such ways.

yea, my birthday is coming! woohoo. im turning 17 soon. kind of old? i wanna invent a time machine, or maybe a nice harry potter time turner which can make me travel back to the time when i was in pri sch. but all three yr old kid know that it is simply impossible. stop dreaming, and get back to reality.

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