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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
if i have a million dollars
dAnGeRouSLy tAkiNg iN cAloRieS
jUsT dO iT
i'm guai...
missing physics
pre u seminar opening ceremony
woohoo! last dae of school!

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Sunday, June 12, 2005
cycle + pool @ 11:11 PM

At first, dad wants me to rent a double bike, in which i sit in front and elder sis behind. the lame reason he gave me, was that i had experience of riding a bicycle. excuse me, for a few times? i ask u. double bike is super hard to balance and its super duper heavy too. not to mention tt my sis is about 1.5 times heavier than me. a whipping 20 yrs old too. argh. this is obviously child labour. sobz. haha, in the end, i whined that i cannot balance it (true hor, not lying), so dad had no choice but to rent a single seat bike for each of us. aha. dad and mom shared a double bike.
being impatient with the pair of us, dad kicked off with mom behind him. my sis and I were left behind. then i took a brief glance and her, all the while suspecting whether i will fall down or not, and kicked off. the feeling is wonderful. whoosh. i felt the wind. and the familiar feeling of riding a bicycle. there are certain things u cant forget in life. aha. according to my sis, i juz "kicked off and zoom away", leaving her in a lone corner, struggling with her bicycle. bad of mi hor? i got my retribution. yep, i crashed into someone. lol, a small incident. dunnit to worry, im not injured in any way. not even a small scratch. its the person i crashed into who got hurt.
actually, its not entire due to my lousy cycling skills that she got hurt. she herself, knowing that she ride her bike at snail's pace, stopped suddenly, and so, the fast me, crashed into her. there, the force is great. cos i accelerated ma. simple physics. so she fell off from where she is, and people started watching. cos i juz stayed there in my seat, unscathed. wat an unfair world right. aha.
Anyway, because i refused to have that double bike, sis have to endure her bike for an hour. anyway, she learnt cycling in the end. lol. "circumstance is a curious manipulator." see? she has to play to the situation. anyway, she crashed into someone too, and its obviously her fault cos she was cycling in da wrong lane, not to mention adjusting her hair with a hand, leaving a free other hand to steer the bike. omg. beginner leh. so she crashed. bless that victim.
After cycling, dad was still hyper and brought us all to pool. omg, so damn cool. i never knew dad can be so hip. and he's a crashing gd player too. i think he played a lot during his younger days. lol. and not a shred of talent had i inherited from him. alas the day! this is only the second time i played pool, so aha. u all shld noe the results right? more white balls enter the pocket than the coloured ones by da end of the day. pls dun say im lousy, cos i noe i am lar. dunnit to remind mi. sobz. but i had fun all da same. after pooling, dad still asks us wanna go bowl or not. so enthu right?rarely leh. but we didnt go bowling in the end. all of us never wear socks, except for sis. lol. next time, we shall go "polish" the bowling lanes. aha. i tink onli dad noes how to play bowl properly. he got trophy some more! first runner up leh. nt bad!
k, we proceeded on to cool off ourself in a free air-con environment at parkway parade. nth much to say there. just look like any other shopping centres lor. haha.. but its really unfortunate that i missed gg into the samuel and kevin shop. i love the things there! affordable and casual.
real touched when kj and gang says that they were shopping around for da whole day, just to get me a bdae present. i tot no one will rmb..sobz. the effort is enuff to touch mi liao. aha. but since u all already buy, might as well gif mi lar? *winks* kk enuff of my crap le. hands are aching.. for some reason. shant tok no more here.

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