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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
pre u seminar opening ceremony
woohoo! last dae of school!
mAgiCal aNgeLs
i miss the old days
pre-u seminar prac
b.r.o.k.e.n. d.r.e.a.m.s
finally end of da week..whew
mAth maKeS mE mAd

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Thursday, June 02, 2005
missing physics @ 12:16 AM

It may sound unbeliveable at the moment, but i tink i am missing physics subconsciously. after going out today, i napped for close to 5 hours, all the time dreaming about physics. omg. its so strange lor, cos of all the sciences i took, i gave physics up. and it had come back to haunt me. but im pretty impressed with myself though, cos i remembered all my phy stuff subconsciously. real cool ba? yeah, give me all the formulas! F= ma, P= IV, W=ma, P=E/t or W/t, thus E=Pt, thus E= IVt.. Wow.. amazing that i can still remember them all. sobs.. i miss physics.

Ya, back to my dream. it was pretty weird to be thinking about school work even when im sleeping. ok, i admit i dun think abt work during my conscious hours, but this is no way to punish me yar? okok, really back to my dream now. enough of lamenting. in my dream, there is this voice that asked me physics qn. i cant recall too well, but this is one very eerie and odd qn. mayb that's becos im an odd person? hmm. it's a MCQ qn.. there's this diagram showing three positions. the qn asked is: if a person jump down from these three positions, which will cause enough impact for him to die? lol. its a qn on committing suicide? omg. im not a sadist i hope. so i proceeded on to use the formula F=ma to calculate. wow. hey i noe the correct answer one leh... but in the dream, i gave the wrong ans, and that voice asked me to try again. very much like a tv show game ya? anw i realised tt i neednt be impressed by that voice, becos all this info is crammed into my head! maybe next time i should proceed on to dream about chem and bio and math.. do my prediction of shapes of covalent cmpds! do my memorising of the stupid photosynthesis process! practise my trigo proving and differentiation! wow, the amazing things i could do with my dream.. i will nvr need to study again. woohoo.. dreaming to dream of these things, is indeed a dream that will never come true. wahaha, ironic lehs..

ya, today before i dream of these weird things, i accompanied my sis to the hospital. the only reason that could force me out of bed in the early morning is the prospect of gg hospital! i love going to hospitals, ever since im young, juz as long as the condition of the person i wanna visit isn't too serious. nice to have a visit there occasionally. what i love most about the place is the nice medical smell hanging in the air. most people wrinkle their nose as a reflex action of smelling it, but i simply love that smell. it smells so clean...! and hospitals seem a holy place to roam about, because it's where lives are saved.. am i destined to work in hospitals? nice leh. when i expressed this to dad, he said that im "bian tai". lol im not lor.

ok, back to my sis. it happened that she has four wisdom teeth, and there's one that is affecting her bone and some nerve. so muz go hospital perform surgery to remove them. but she cannot remove all four at one go, becos her body cannot stand the anasthetic drug i guess. cos her BMI is above 25, and if too strong a dosage is given to her, she might not wake up again. the doctors there are predominantly males, i wonder why, and all are very young. my sis's dentist, according to her, has a very nice voice and is pretty shuai too. wah, boy crazy lar she.

but i really find intellects extremely attractive. when they pronounce all the difficult sounding words, it make them look intelligent? lol. i dunno, but i hv always worshipped and admire intelligence. if i ever get married in the future, i will make sure that the guy i married to is not an airhead and definitely must be more intelligent than me. this give me a sense of security i guess. most girls think that way, if im not wrong. so a word of advice to the guys: do not, ever, ever, ever , make urself look stupid in front of the girls, cos it might be the last thing u can do.

anyway, i was greatly disappointed that the blk 8 of general hospital, has no heavy medical smell at all. grr i made a wasted trip. dunno wait for how many hours, before the surgery is done. actually i prefer blk 5, cos the duck rice at the koufu is nice! but quite sad tt i am not able to eat it, cos dad dun wanna eat in the hospital. i mean, what's so bad? i juz love the environment. so i ended up eating a tuna sandwich (yucks, wholemeal bread and lettuce) which is sooooo healthy tt i can cry. im nv into health food.

haiz, i hate myself man. ever since the holidays began, i hv been going out daily, and nothing was done on homework and revision. i muz make myself stay at home tomorrow liao.. i onli completed my GP skills module worksheet and chinese idioms worksheet.. sad seh...

ok, i shall have positive attitude! cos i read in a magazine at SGH (lots of time spent reading, no less), that psychologists has this law of attraction of thingy. if u believe in something, u are more likely to get it. speaking of that, i do have an idea on that, thanks to "im the king of the castle" at my o levels literature lessons. -ve things will attract -ve results. always rmb that. lets be optimistic about the future!! even if i fail A levels (choy!!), i can still take up a diploma in sweeping. ahahax. its still a job, though it doesnt pay well. =D

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