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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
badminton rocks my world =)))
my BIG day
one more day to go...JIAYOUs
first day of promos
process of mugging? stoning?
looking sad
a churning stomach
mooncake festival at school!
just finished my hw.. aww...

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Thursday, October 06, 2005
*cough* @ 12:59 PM

Yesterday, some stupid virus (or bacteria) attacked me, jus when im sleeping. grrr. now i woke up, with a cough.Actually planning to eat my favourite fish and chips today de. then this virus have to come and invade me. sighx. u can never have everything in life. had a pretty restless sleep, cos keep having nightmares on and off. So scary man.. *shudders* when i woke up after this particularly bad one, i found tears streaming down my face man. CRY becos of a nightmare? i must be getting a bit insane le. but all the same, i cldnt... cldnt.. get if off my head. even after i fully wake up, this image keep playing in my head, like a video pasted over my eyes - something i have no choice, but to keep watching, and keep getting scared. oh ya! *snaps fingers* it might be dementors which attacked mi yesterday night~

My dreams are actually pretty extreme. it's either a veri sweet dream, or a veri horrible dream. one of the above, or else, i cldnt remember it at all. i read some where that humans actually have 9 dreams every night, and without dreaming, u'll die. why ar? i cldnt find the answer in any books leh. if anyone know the answer, can pls enlighten me? i'm always very curious about the unknown. i like a little mystery in everything. haha.. or else life will be so smooth sailing and boring.....

rather aimless today. dunno what i should do. tried practising my flute (which has at least 3-inch thick dust on it), but it came out wrong. the di mo broke, and i -_-" then i used my G chord flute. haha, so long never use le. the di mo didnt break, but the sound just isn't right. rather than a beautiful, bright n cheery note, it came out in broken fragments (imagine tt sound is a solid object.) being rather sensitive to the sound of flute, i simply cldnt accept that sound. it isn't even a music note. it's a piece of noise. Grrrrrr. too long never practise le. i hv rusted. this saturday hv to go back for practise, surely kenna scolded by teacher de. even worst than before. well, whatever. i hv never been good with my flute. just my luck tt im the onli flute player around. Being upset and irritated with myself (still with the horrible nightmare in my head), i threw both flutes aside, and decided to stone in front of the com. and ta-da! here i am.

Nothing much to do at home, so i can write like nobody's business. Writing used to be my hobby last time. but as i got busier, this hobby was abandoned far behind me. You may not believe me, with all my singlish and all that, but my eng compo always get published on the class noticeboard when im in primary school. my primary school has also put together all the best eng compos in my year, and my compo is one of them. keke. just a bit of history. now, everything has changed.

momo wants me to do a bit of marketing for tonight's dinner. just me and my big mouth. jus becos i said i want chicken wings, i'm made to buy the groceries. well, perfect reason being, im jus the free-est person in the family. haizz.. whatever. im a gd n obedient daughter, that's why. but im not stepping into the wet market. No way. just pop into a nearby supermarket wld be gd enuff. =)

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