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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
merry xmas all =)))
performance at MINDS
christmas shopping
back from chalet.. =)))
no more rotting

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
xmas presents!! @ 11:16 PM

*sighx* christmas is over, and it doesn't feel remotely like a xmas day. hope some day a great inventer will invent something like a time machine, so that i can go back to whichever day that makes me happy. And yar, cancel out those days which im really sad. Maybe they shld invent a selective memory potion to go with the time machine (perfect results) cos then, u will rmb the only the happy things in ur life and forget all the sad, useless ones. Only then will the world be perfect, in my opinion of course. yar, i distinctly remember kaijie saying that he wants to be an inventer.. haha mebbe one day he can make this dream of mine come true! =)))

yes, how can xmas be short of presents? especially when im already deprived of turkey? to be honest, i've never eaten REAL turkey before. the onli turkey i've eaten is the turkey ham from burger king's turkey bacon BBQ double cheeseburger! Which is uber nice, of course. ok, digressing. presents.. not that it matters that i've got presents.. but well, it's still a very happy thing to receive presents! kind of feel so... erm.. remembered. not that the presents counts, but it's a super nice feeling receiving presents! Not that i like it to be very cool, very expensive or wat.. the most impt component in presents is sincerity. without sincerity, u can throw a diamond ring at me and i can fling it right back at you. =)

oya, xmas presents. i dun have quantitative presents, but i do hv qualitative ones =))) not all are very expensive though. but it's really with so much sincerity tt i touched like siao... a new sch bag frm mommie..mickey mouse shoes frm daddy..some wooden customised keychain frm hx..new skirt frm sis..unknown UFO frm dar dar (cos she hvnt given me), wonderful cadbury chocolates frm hubby..earrings and some beetle clip frm weiting..a toilet seat panda hp keychain frm rongxuan and a super nice chicken little plush frm her ( hugging it to slp every single night) and luoyi, who accompanied her to find the thing. it may not be a lot, but it means everything to me! =))) thanks everyone! *grins*

went kbox with agnes, rx, dap, agnes's cousin todae. it was super nice! rongxuan's voice is soooo CUTE!! no other word to describe that. by cute, i didn't mean its awful. on the contrary, listening to her voice gave me a kind of soothing feeling. but seeing tt i laughed so hard for at least 15 mins.. she kind of grabbed me and try to stop me laughing. lols... sorrie lar. during the whole course of kbox, we were kind of fighting violently. ermms... no comments. we are just kids... im 8 while she's 7 n a half. =)))

yupps, after tt orchard, and dinner. went back jp to eat dessert and fruits. its been long since i had chiku. and it's really nice. not everyone likes chiku though. the VERY expensive mango is nice too. but a bit sour at the end. hmmm. want to buy nice nice mangoes must go marketplace, where u can choose =))) and it's cheaper btw. lolols. im such an auntie.

my knee joint is so freaking painful now!!! old problem... but cannot stand it anymore.. cant blog on. sorrie ppl, for ending so abruptly.

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