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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
no more rotting
miracles DO happen
painting rox
wedding bells

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Monday, December 12, 2005
back from chalet.. =))) @ 7:25 PM

Yay back from chalet! weeets. finally home sweet home. I love going out with my friends, but i still prefer my own toilet and bed (complete with a collection of soft toy dogs and a duck). Anyway, it was fun =))) ahahax. seen a lot of new ppl, mostly friends' friends, or friends' friends' friends.. aiyah whatever. very confusing to go into the "friends tree" now.

Met with rongxuan at dover first, cos waiting for her to get away from school to "pei" me go the chalet. i didn't noe how to go ma, and being hopeless in directions doesn't help. crapped all the way from dover to pasir ris. lolx. too long never see her. so can't help talking a lot. lols. i LOVE talking non-stop. it's been long since i did that. hahahaa. then unpacked in the chalet and stuff. we actually brought a portable vcd player for our proposed movie marathon, but didn't work out in the end =( anw in the process of settling down and waiting for the others to come, took a lot of nonsence pics. didn't take as many as rongxuan tho. hahaha. later mus kope photos from her. ahahax.

Both me and rongxuan trying to take photos of each other at the same time. ahahax. obviously i failed.but i tot it was cute of her to hide liddat.

She refused to give up.. aha. i caught a portion of her face. geeez.

Aiyoh give up le lar.. let her take photos le. too tired to fight with her. oh btw the girl in the background is jinghui and the darkened area shld hold a person named Cas. lols.

Finally pose for rongxuan to take pics. hahaha. so few of us. there are some who hvnt arrive yet. sobsobs. And there's Cas and Ben whom i dun hv pics of. Anyway from left to right: Luoyi, Agnes, Me, and daphne (aka hubby)

Me and daphne (aka hubby). Oh that hand sign is koped from kaijie one. L for loser. wahahahax. Aren't we just sweet tgt? *gushes*

Me and Agnes! Oh, why is my watch facing outwards? *frowns*

Agnes, me and dap. lol. we must be creating a super "zi lian" reputation. but it's nt true! since camera in hand le, might as well take more right? *grins* oya..i was being punished. sobsobs. while the others are laughing so happily.

Rongxuan and Jinghui. I dunno how blessed I am to see rongxuan in PINK. finally took a photo of her. haha. i got enuff of myself at the moment. heeehee.

After settling down, and all the photo-takings, ice-breaking, and pillow fights (which i won a lot of times), went for dinner! haha had the disastrous hor fun which made me have diarrhea. sheesh. stupid hor fun. grrrr. came back and play some games. too many until i can't recount. oya, we had truth or dare too. me suay sia. always got truth. haizz. im itching for a dare. =))) and daphne kissed the window for a dare and declared that she got turned on by some girl!lol. jinghui had her own concert and asked the neighbouring chalet for bbqed chicken wings, and Ben have to propose to some guy in another chalet. lolol. it was all highly cruel but entertaining. Finally, the game ended becos we all decided that the dares are getting steadily more cruel. lolx. scary sia.

After truth or dare, we watched a bit of tv, den went out to pasir ris park to play with sparklers (it was around 10 or 11pm then). quite fun!! very pretty. we got so many shooting stars.. haha.however, our feet got all muddy by then. all thanks to jinghui, cas and ben, who insisted on taking short cuts. went back and sth disastrous happened. we were LOCKED out of the chalet. haiz.. some of the guys just climbed the gates. but the rest of us dun dare and just walked the long way. anw had a very gd time scaring dap with spooky tales. hahahaa.

It was real late when we reached the chalet, all sweaty and stuff. Anyway, we started on some booze (5% alcohol) which was extremely nice. Special recommendations from luoyi and rongxuan. lime and peach were nice! After that we switched off the lights and tell ghost stories. omgosh lar. my night vision is extremely poor (i need vit A, yeah) so i can't see well. but being the timid me, i just got scared by STARING AT THE MIRROR. lol. what's wrong with me?? anw we had a gd time spooking each other. haha. after ghost stories, still got talks abt aliens, dreams, jokes. Crapped all the way thru. it was great.

First time leh! I'm so very VERY VERY excited. lols. i didnt sleep a wink at all! But too bad, can't see sunrise cos we are at pasir ris. haiz. but we watch high tide in the morning though. And stars at night. i didnt realise that singapore got so many stars leh. hmmm. nice nice. But by the nxt morning, i was super tired and fall aslp for half an hr. i didnt even noe tt i fell aslp lar.. haha. i was just waiting for my turn to wash up, when i just collapsed. sighx. i awoke to find so many pairs of eyes staring at me. SCARY! haha. anw we went off to downtown for breakfast and returned to cycle. My first time cycling up and down a slope. almost topple head over heels. but - intelligent me. i managed to keep my balance... haha. cycling is fun! but im aching all over now.

after cycling, went to fetch boonleong with rongxuan, agnes and dap. keke. he actually lost his way lar. fetch le, then went swimming (soaked in the water, rather, cos i cant swim). omgosh. got darker again. anw tt biantai rongxuan took pics of us when we were swimming. eeyo. im still the darkest. sad case =(

went back chalet and played some card games, pig out and stuff. drank some booze again. *yummy* patricia came den chatted for a bit. hmmm. after tt packed up and left. overall, a very interesting chalet trip. first time, i was able to stay awake the whole night! *winks*

fall aslp on the train back home. zzzz.

yup that's all. will add in pics if rongxuan send the others to me.

anyway, hope u ppl out there are enjoying ur hols!

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