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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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happy birthday!
No lousy fish

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Sunday, July 16, 2006
self-centered @ 12:22 AM

(This post is dedicated to myself...)

the only one capable of hurting you is well, you. Nobody else can do that, unless u allow them to. Bad gossip? Shut urself from it. Demoralising words? Shut yourself from it. Performing not up to expectations? Yep, u guessed it. Shut urself from it. i dun want to be depressed, thus im taking the selfish route out. Yes, i want to be ME and solely ME. I dowan to live in others' shadow, nor in others' hopes. If being down can kill, i wld be dead by now. but no, this is the way that nature works. You are suffering, and u hv to live and suffer it.

By shutting everything else in the world out, im building a wall around myself. Have I ever thought of the consequences? yes, i have, and it will be a good deal better than what im going through now. For years and years, i was what people expect me to be. "You shouldn't do that!" This is what i heard, often as a child. And thus, i didn't dare do anything that im not supposed to do. Maybe this has carried on too far, and im reduced to a piece of goody two shoes who abide by the rules. But the rules are hurting me too much. But in the process, what did i gain? nothing. if my life had been a blank when i was born, it is still a blank now.

Help me find the courage to write something in my life. It will be hard, going against societal expectations. It's their game, with their rules, and you will do very well to follow it. But isn't it tiring, all? If i never muster that courage, my life will still be a blank piece of paper by the time i finished walking through life. This very prospect haunts me. Absolutely scary. Gone were the days where you can simply hide urself under the bedcovers and pretend everything is all right. Everything is not alright. Responsibilities come with age, and perhaps it's time i take mine. God (whoever you are), pls help me find the path i should take. guide me along... give me the courage, the strength, the will...

I no longer have any expectations of anyone. maybe because i've seen through humans and horrified by their ugly personalities. Even me myself, im a purely self-centred person. Once upon a time, things look bright. hopes were shimmering, feelings were high. but that will never never come back.... What depresses me so is not the fact that the hopes were gone, but the fact that it may never even have existed. the values i hold, the possessions i owned, were they all an illusion?

Even if i lose some, i do not mind. Giving and taking is part of life. But to give everything and take nothing in return, is just pushing that someone to the edge. That's where i am, standing to the edge. Any little thing will just push me a little further... Long time ago, people were meant to live as a group, deriving their support and supporting each other. But now that you have lost your strength to fight, it's pointless for me to hold on too..

watched a documentary on sharks and crocodiles. and i realised that humans are just so insignificant on the face of earth. things are just like passing clouds.. If you think that u did good today, tomorrow there will be something better done. Competition only serve to strain our ties, to make humans harm each other. is it worth the trouble?

what is news today is history tomorrow. Many lovebirds break up everyday, many ppl die each day... if you are one of them, ask yourself; is it worth holding on to the past, never letting go? For me, im stranded in between. No actions made, no questions asked. If you ask me, life is a nasty piece of guesswork, and 90% of what you guessed will end up as a mistake.

If inquired about the worst thing in life, i would say its false hopes.

The best thing you can get in life is happiness.

Hold up a mirror, and see your true self in there. For reflections never lie.

ps: it's a confusing piece of entry, so if u cannot make head of tail out of it, i beseech you to leave it alone. =)))

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