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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
harry potter and the deathly hallows
egg tarts
Mankind are filthy hypocrites. Maybe not all of th...
money earned with blood and sweat
blood group
Red and Pink
I can't believe it~
the young vs the old

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
cac camp 2007 @ 1:09 PM

Yepps finally fit enough to blog... The last week was quite torturous (at least to me) because of the really limited number of sleeping hours.. There were days where we slept at around 6am and wake up at 8am. Is this training for future project stay-awakes? Hmmmm. The camp was overall, still alright, and the people there were great. =))))) Just a brief summary of what happened during the camp.....

A journey to remember with HORA....
the banner we painted ourselves.with sweat and paint.


Assembled at bl control station and took 179 to NTU. The usual intro + icebreaker game etc.. After lunch, proceeded to home team ns at bukit batok for camp... I don't really like the adventure stuff, dangling from ropes, walking on logs etc, cos of my fear of heights. But STILL, I managed to pull it through. I'm a survivor yar? *grins*

At night, we had night games. Too bad we have to stop around 11 plus pm because we received complaints? sian diaos.

The girls were blind folded (me at the extreme right).......... and made to paint the guys' faces. heees. If you're a guy freshie, you're really in for a great experience! SERIOUS! Our marvellous masterpiece! =pPp

Another night game. We are supposed to guess who the individual body parts belong to. It was a breeze! damn easy.
We had other night games like "searching for difference", collecting waterbombs, twister etc.

Slept at close to 2am. The earliest time we slept compared to the other days... lol. Some of us can't even sleep on the first day because of 'radio'. fortunately, I wasn't one of them =)


breakfast of pandan cake. wasn't too bad after all. after breakfast, took coach to sentosa! Sentosa is really a traditional part of camps. No matter which camp you went to, Sentosa will always be one of the destinations you end up in.

we had mass dance at sentosa. lols i'm seriously uncoordinated. Can't remember the moves even right up to the last day. But still we had fun! After that was beach games! One of my personal favourites. Oh and did I mention that my OG, Hora, won the most number of games?? *claps*

HORA at sentosa! Beach games we played includes water-bomb waterbombs, dog-and-bone in the sea, passing fruits along with our body parts (which actually meant any parts except hands.)

After beach games, we had dinner and played some group games together.
At night, it is fright night time. The seniors were actually quite lame, telling us we are having treasure hunt at night -.- Anyway they paired us up into groups of guy and girl. Then made us venture into the forest, and use ways and means to scare us... Not very scary actually. My vision at night is quite bad so can't really see anything. lol.

Went back to bukit batok to wash up, etc and slept around 5 plus am. zzzzz. sleepy..


Game of food crossover, aka "shi zhi lu kou", the game that wu zhong xian played in zhou ri ba dian dang. Eating, drinking, playing and running wasn't really what you call comfortable... But still, we had fun running around and eating. I think we had soya beancurd near bugis, jianbo kweekueh at tiongbahru and curry chicken at amara hotel. At each station, we had to play games before starting to eat. oh man. I hate bursting balloons. They are LOUD.
After food crossover, we moved back to NTU. finally able to experience hostel life. The rooms are relatively spacious actually.

At night, ALL of us were blindfolded and paired up with a secret partner of opposite sex. This is what we call "initiation night". We were made to talk for hours can? quite a boring experience. Since you can't even see the person. So the conversation lead to boring questions like"what is ur fav colour?", "your fav car?" etc.. After talking for eons, we were led to play games, still blindfolded. we got really dirty sia... full of mud, grass, egg, flour, water combined.

the mess we landed ourselves in. I shampooed THREE times and the dirt is still there. This is the dirtiest state I ever land myself in, swear. It was already morning when we finished bathing.


Prepared for sp (secret partner) night.

The pretty girls.

Me and my sp outside pariss waiting for dinner! yum yum.

After that, went to DXO for clubbing. Learnt how to play the guessing game! Well it was quite boring actually. clubbing is not for me.


Was supposed to tour ard NTU, but because of the bad weather, we were make to play games like NG100 seconds. So now, im still kind of clueless abt the places in NTU... bless me yar? sch's starting tml.

At night, we had a cheer fight plus some skits we put up ourselves. HORA puts up a skit abt the axe game. Some complicated love affair between ah lian and ah beng. lol. we rock.
HORA with the "axes"!

broke camp close to midnight. =)

home sweet home!

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