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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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a nOboDy - tHaT's Me
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My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Thursday, April 28, 2005
cOcKrOacHiNg -_- @ 11:56 PM

Today was not just a bad day. It's an unlucky day. Argh. Allow me to elaborate. For those who have know me well enough, will noe that one of my worst fears are cockroaches (eeeeek). I simply trembled when I see them, or alternatively, adrenaline will rush to my blood and I run away (or rather hop, jump and scream at the same time) as fast as I can.

It was rather unfortunate that I met THREE (notice that, not ONE,but THREE) today. Argh. After two long hours of chinese, finally get to go to the washroom le. Then I saw one of them. It was spinning around in circles (dancing probably?) and NOBODY except me saw it. How sad. The girls in the toilet carried on talking like nothing had happened, until one of them actually stepped on it. Omg, she saved the day (well not quite, just stay tuned); I thought so. After the blasted thing lie on the floor motionless, I went into one of the toilet cubicles. I was in there for no longer than a few minutes when I heard screams again. It takes no genius to work out that the cockroach has somehow arise from its dead state. Argh. And of all the things that the idiotic cockroach could have done, it spinned in circles again. I concluded that cockroach number one is a male one, cos (1) it doesn't fly (2) i inferred that it came in to peek at girls (3) employ such a cunning trick by pretending to be dead. Anyway, someone killed it once again. Bless that person. =D For the rest of the break, I was simply paranoid of anything that brushed past my legs, imagining it to be one of the hairy feelers. yucks.

After that, the day went on ok. We had mass dance (jello) in LT1, right after everyone have left from bio lecture. The people present were from 05s04 of cos. =D i wouldnt think of dancing in front of so many people. aha. Besides dancing, oso played a bit of badminton (thinking of how many calories I burnt simply makes me smile in my sleep =D ). I was a lousy player (really lousy at that) but still I had fun.

CO practice yet again. Its quite boring lar.. The da mo shui xiang, like dun hv flute one lor.. only got a few parts. So i relaxed and read a couple of mags. After that, practise long teng for two times, and it was time to leave. By the time I reached home, its 8pm liao. sianz. Still got homework to rush. yawn.

In the process of walking home, I met cockroach number two. Argh, the luck!! I was a bit messy with my hands and there are no one to hold the flutes for me. And of all times, I have to carry two BIG n LONG ones ( c and d). Walking towards the place where bus stands are, I proceeded on to put down my bag and try to organise my things. And the blasted thing have to be there. grrr. After throwing it one disgusted look, I just walk away with my messy hands. I'm definitely not risking my life just to organise my things, and furthermore I do not kill and do not have the courage to do so too.

Finally, it was home sweet home! I'm starved, since I only had a bun, one small puff and spring roll for the whole day. There I was, thinking that my unluckiness end there. But in my OWN house, I met cockroach number three. Omg, what have I done to deserve this??! (By the way, bless my mom for killing it or I will refuse to sleep wif a cockroach on the loose,haha.) Now, I'm feeling paranoid again. Whilst I was rushing my PI, I was also looking over my shoulders for any sign of movement. Argh. The adrenaline released in my body today must have reached the highest record in my whole life. Eeks.

To those taking GP module : discrimination and rights, I am definitely NOT discriminating against cockroaches or what.. But it is simply one of my fears all right? lol.

Suddenly thought of something ; maybe there is a reason for letting me see three fat cockroaches all in one day. What if the heavens had arranged this so that I can get rid of my phobia and make me immuned to the sight of cockroaches? Hmm.

Whatever the case, it had certainly failed. I am still afraid of cockroaches. =x

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