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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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oRiEntAtioN tWO
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SNYO concert

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Monday, April 04, 2005
gEtTiNg siCK =( @ 7:16 PM

Met my new classmates today..hmm pretty ordinary ba. Nothing realli interesting to blog about them since i didn't know them too well. As usual, during introduction, I said tt i'm a veri quiet girl. -_-" and heard so many sniggers and loud coughs in response. Diao, u will find tt im a realli veri quiet person once u got to noe me well. I don't really talk much, as a matter of fact. Actions speak louder than words ya? Or am i deceiving myself tt im jus a quiet and shy person? Aha. Lessons were boring today. Stretched all the way till 4pm (tt wasn't toooo bad), but onli gt few free time in between. Gosh, now im realli enlightened about how jc life is all about. Grrr. Pity those doing 4As ppl. Pity us too, since we got half an hour more of prac than they do in one week. So we got the full two hours sc prac for each sc subject tt we took, while they onli got one n a half hour of prac. Omg.

Was told to be chem rep today. Not particularly enthu about me. Well, jus face it. Everybody will get their chance to be a rep in these two years. Aha. And I be rep for three months lesser, cos of the PAE. *cheers* Anyway, it was real frustrating to be a subject rep, I realised. During civics, they were like asking me to buy the chem SPA n tutorial one notes AS A CLASS, and so I did. But some of them actually already gotten the notes, but didn't tell me. Those who had told me, good la. At least I know. Although I was uber irritated with the rest who had bought but not told me, I didn't lose my temper (i did have a bad one). Reason is that, they weren't at fault too. Well, jus say that there's some kind of communication breakdown. So realli, nobody is to blame. Hope tt nt too many ppl have bought the notes. So that if the notes realli cannot be refunded, then the loss is nt too great. But anyway, grrr.

Ok, so chem notes aside. *seething*. Hmm, was realli getting sick of gg to air-conned rooms wherever i went. It wasn't too good for health, I supposed. viruses tend to spread at a faster rate in enclosed areas, and besides that, air in the air-conditioned rooms were RECIRCULATED. So get wat i mean? The virus will jus keep flying all over like nobody's business. ok, im jus feeling sour becos of the chem notes, the fact tt i din get enough sleep, and the approaching illness that's gonna befall me. Aw, how unlucky. Well, that's jus life. (do u detect a note of depression there? aha)

Normally, when a person is sick, nothing can cheer him/her up. Aw. Bad experiences jus make it worse. So, I was snapping at practically everyone today. Yucks. I need more vitamin C! k, i shall sleep early today to replenish the energy loss in me.

AG is so AS towards mummy n me today lahs.woo~ bet mommy is realli sad. aha.

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