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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

recent entries
been MIA
sense of relief
post CNY
chicken pox
the elephants.
prom is over.
the working of genes

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
till death do us part. @ 1:03 PM

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? *cheeky grins*

What am I doing here, typing out this post, when I'm supposed to be at work slogging my guts out?

NO. I'm definitely writing this at the comforts of my home. Totally burned out from work yesterday, and taking my sore throat as an excuse, I took off for the day. Everybody needs to rest some time, dearie. -.- monetary gains are secondary. (well looks who's talking.)

For the first time in many many months, I slept like a log, till the sunshine hits my butt (loosely translated from chinese). Shiok!!! Perhaps I didn't wake up to the sounds of singing birds, as in fairytales, but I still feel like a pampered princess when I woke up. ages since i feel this way. teeheeheee...

Warning to all; this is gonna be a random post with lots of blabberings.

Firstly, I really admire myself for the courage to done a swimming costume when I have at least two inches of flabs on my tummy. Hx, ah gong, gz, ann and me went 'swimming' at the new jurong complex near our house on saturday. A day full of disasters, in my opinion. We were supposed to meet at 1pm at the swimming pool itself and yet, by that time, I was still loitering around my house estate, reason being, I forgot to bring my keys. AWWWWWW. talk about being sotong. Luckily ah gong and gz were there to accompany me crap, else I would have decomposed halfway before my mom came back home to allow me entry. When we reached the complex itself, three of us stupidly shared one teeny weeny small lockers for ALL OUR STUFF. and the rent for the lockers isn't even expensive. In fact, it's only fourty cents per locker -.-". We only realised our stupidity when ann told us hx and her used different lockers. diaoss.
Putting that aside, i still haven't master the art of swimming. true, I won't drown cos at least I can splash water to keep myself afloat (so-called freestyle), but they were saying my techniques were wrong, blah blah.... and truth is, I agreed with them. Thanks to gz, I learnt a bit of breast stroke though im not very good at it. More practice will do the job, I guess. When are we going swimming again?? =P Halfway through the day, the sky started pouring.... I can't say I feel anything cos I'm already wet anyways. It's kind of nice to be swimming in the rain though, because you can enjoy being in the middle of the rain, without getting uncomfortably wet. =)))))

Secondly, I felt ridiculously touched by an elderly couple at my workplace. Me?? Me?? The famously emotionally detached Michelle (or infamous, i can't say)? Touched by such a simple thing they say? To those who didn't know, I'm currently working at a polyclinic, and has lots of chances to meet weird people. I was as usual, sitting at the first counter, giving out queue tickets, asking people what they are here for, blah blah, when this elderly Indian couple handed me their appointment cards and requested to be put in the same consultation room. I just nodded in acknowledgement, when the husband asked, "you know us, don't you? We are the famous couple who couldn't be separated!". Actually, was kind of shocked when I heard this. I mean, they are actually really proud of their relationship! How many couples in singapore can say the same? and they are reaching 70 years old, mind you. didn't really know what to say, so I just smiled and nodded. The husband went on, being really conversational, telling me how he was stuck with his wife for the rest of his life. When he said that, there was this twinkling spark in his eyes that cannot be mistaken for anything except happiness. Oh my, I really felt basked in their love...... and that was not all. Before they walked off to take their seats, the husband, all the while, holding his wife's calloused hands, concluded to me, "Till death do us part. We made this vow years ago and we are going to keep it." Something ridiculous happened right then. Tears actually formed in my eyes.. That was the last straw for me. I thought I've never seen such a touching thing in my life before. Believe me, if you were there, if you saw what I saw, you will be as touched as me, if possible, even more so. Exactly why was I so overwhelmed, I'm not sure. Perhaps it's because of their beautiful love. Or maybe it's because I know that i can never be like them. it's really kind of mixed up?

Thirdly, I saw a really earth-shaking thing. Haha, perhaps not so exaggerated, but it affected me all the same. As you can imagine, earth-shaking situations usually find their way through normal, lazy days. I was thinking, "this is another ordinary day" when it happened.
A stream of vulgarities pierced through the usual bustling sounds in the clinic, and I was thinking it's some difficult patient scolding the staff again. Nothing special, I shrugged it off. However, the abusing didn't stop and being the curious Singaporeans we were, both our staff and the other patients looked over to see what's the commotion about. Turns out that the hurling of vulgarities was from a man to his wife. can you believe it? And on his arms, was a new born baby the wife so painstakingly beared for him!!! I'm not very sure why was he screaming at his wife, but heard that it was over some minor thing, like his wife was slightly late in looking for him. HELLO? He's a grown-up person, perfectly able to take care of himself. What does it matter that his wife was late? Putting vulgarities aside, this man actually raised his foot and kicked his wife, all the while screaming at her. ALL IN PUBLIC. What happened to the equality of man and women? I was thinking. What happened to the mutual respect spouses are supposed to have for each other? And, most importantly, what happened to the notion that we disagreed with using violence?
I shuddered upon thinking of these questions. Can anyone be sure that you WILL NOT be trapped in such a situation? I despise this man. URGH.

The aforementioned were actually two contrasting marriages. One being the happily ever after kind, the other end up as a tragedy. Both this episodes really gave me some food for thought. Whatever it is, no matter how differently people will react to these two situations, you can't deny this fact; Marriage is not a game.
But all this boils down to us as a person.

Humans are neither good nor bad per se, but it's amusing how factors like genetic inheritance, environment, pressure, can mould a human to become a person he/she is. There are perhaps more than a million different combinations of humans around the world. This really make each and every one of us near to unique. 10% may be really against social norms, another 10% being really brilliant (cream of the crop), the remaining 80% are those with both angels and devils in them. The question is; Which one do you belong to? Do you really recognise your inner self?

Oh my, it's scary isn't it.

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