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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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tHe eVe oF tHe eVe oF cNy
rEaChiNg tHe WeEkeNds.. 0.o
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bOnEs R bReAkiNg (part I)
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My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Friday, February 11, 2005
cHiNeSe nEw yEaR @ 11:05 PM

Quite an uneventful chinese new year 2005.. It's all about eating, drinking, chatting, getting ang pows n a bit of gambling.. I bought (actually my mum) a lot of cookies these year, yet like no mood to eat.. It's all my favourites leh.. Chocolates, pineapple tarts, fried fishballs.. Hey, but like no appetite liddat.. Dunno why? Anyway, this year not really a lot of ang pow.. Total collection only got 200 plus.. But nvm la, it's only the thoughts that counts.. Anyway, all my little cousins are growing so cute! I'll upload pictures of them one day.. If only I was half as cute.. Lol.. They are like chubby chubby, eyes big big.. Then there is a sparkle in their eye, like very excited to see the world liddat.. The innocence... Utterly charming. I simply like children... Haha, yep, along with their troublesome nappies, milk, crying all that.

Anyway, my aunt says that I became thinner since christmas.. Wow, what an achievement! However, I think it's only because of the clothes I wear which makes me look thinner. Haiz, gotta wear old shoes on CNY cos never go and buy.. Haiz.. Got to do a bit of late shopping liao.. Anyway, when my aunts they all asked me what I wanna be in the future, I actually said "rich tai tai".. Lol.. They were like laughing and all that.. But they did say I have the qualities because I am pretty.. Btw, this is what they said. I do not think I'm pretty at all. But being praised, of cos happy la.. Haha..

Then I ate half a box of chocolates after dinner.. I'm going to grow from fat to fatter... It's very cute the way my cousin look at me when I opened my eyes after a bit of nap. I was dozing on the sofa when I sensed someone looking at me. Anyway, it was my little cousin aged 3 yrs old, peering over me, like he has never seen anyone asleep before. His eyes were like big and shocked, ya, something liddat anyway. So cute! Ya, and then when he saw me looking at him, he laughed lor.. Those kind of toddler giggle. Did I mention his name somewhere? Oya, his name is Hong Yi (Gordon).

Today was quite a sianz day. 5 periods of math n 3 periods of chem tutorial.. I got back my math quiz result and not surprisingly, I failed. But although I was mentally prepared to fail, still quite sad. Brought back the bad old days when I fail practically every A math test. Chem was still ok, Mdm Lee knows how to teach ba.. I also went to CO tea party today. Although I had said that I dun wanna join CO again, I didn't know why I ended there anyway. I think I will take back my old instrument ba - flute. Simply because I had absolutely no confidence in myself learning a new instrument. I'm such a slow learner! Not talented in music at all, although I'll like to pretend to be. Back to the tea party.. They made us drink something like a mixture of milo, green tea, orange juice, grape juice, root beer.. It was pretty nice, I admit, although at first glance, it looks sth like muddy water. (-_-lll)

Ya, once I reached home, I "pom" on the bed (I admit that I didn't care much about hygience) and took a short nap. Then went to take a bath... Go out and watched constantine. Then, concidentally, met Da Hao (sec sch friend) and kai xu (jjc classmate). It was a pretty nice movie, I believe, discussing about heaven and hell. I think the moral of the movie is to tell us that God has a task for all of us, although he might deliever it in different ways. Anyway, it wasn't a scary movie, but all the same, I was squeezing my own fist out of fear. The sound effect was not ba.. But got some parts I dun understand. Need someone to intepret for me. Haiz, I really must admit that I veri "dan xiao", cos I watched the ad about this movie "hide and seek", I got so scared that I stare at my box of popcorns, nth else. This hide and seek is about a little girl, having an imaginary friend called charles (or??) then do all those kind of scary things la. Charles should be kind of a child spirit I guess. Anyway, rmb? I didn't look at the screen ma.. I seriously believe that I shouldn't watch ghost movies at all. If i stare at the screen, trying to pretend not to be scared, I will get a nervous breakdown once I got home, and start imagining ghosts everywhere. If I don't watch it, it will be an utter waste of money, looking only at the subtitles.

Anyway, like quite a lot of homework to do.. Haiz.. Had to spend weekend doing it.. Tml got OG meeting, but I can't go cos hv to go my grandma hse for new yr visiting.. So sad. After these two weeks or so, we gonna split liao. There you go. Good days never last. In chinese, we call it "tian wu bu shan zhi yan xi"..

Lastly, on a lighter note, like to wish everyone a happy chicken year ahead. =)

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