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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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nEvEr bLog fOr mAni dAyS
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bOnEs R bReAkiNg (part I)
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My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Friday, February 04, 2005
rEaChiNg tHe WeEkeNds.. 0.o @ 8:41 PM

Finally, after a week of hustle and bustle, we are reaching the weekends, folks! I simply love holidays, and those days which I can skip school.. Haha.. Do not mistaken me, I do like to study BUT I don't like tests and exams. In my opinion, the purpose of having tests and exams are just to humiliate weaker students, make the brighter ones a bit more conceited, and forcing each and every student to squeeze out each tiny drop of brain juice. What's the fun of learning when all it matters to the teacher, is whether a student get straight As or not? Personally, I feel that this is a seriously wrong and distorted concept. A good student is NOT defined as one who get good grades and one who is hardworking enough to study from day to night, BUT in my dictionary, someone who can balance social life and work, someone who tries their best although they might not be the brightest in school. I'm not saying that good grades aren't good, but hey, stop and think about this : everyone has got their own limits. Do not look down on them just because they are not good in studies (and this applies to other things too), but accept them for what they are. Let's just admit it: different people has got different talents and interests. Hope everyone understand this, and with this, I also hope to instill in less academically-inclined students confidence in themselves.

There's really quite a lot of homework over the weekend, and really don't feel like doing any of them. Still not in the study mood yet, haha. Anyway, today got a maths quiz and although the questions are simple enough, I still can't do it. Ok, I admit that I deserved to fail because I didn't study. It will be a miracle if I can pass! I went to CO practice on thursday, and didn't do anything, except play a bit of flute, not in combined practice though. They are practising their SYF pieces, and although I would like to join them, I can't because I have not reach that standard yet (in my opinion). Ya, I met BLSS previous flute teacher, "wang lao shi", who have not taught me before, but had taught the batch before mine. Heard that he's pretty fierce from my seniors. When I told him that, he was like kinda shocked cos he didn't believe himself to be fierce to them at all. But one thing for sure, from my observation, he does look strict. Not a man to be crossed at all.

On studies, I still not adapted to studying (*sigh*), so I'm doing rubbish things in class. For example, the onion thing in bio experiment, I tear off too thick a part for the microscope slide, for chem, mole concept still not very strong, and when teacher ask me qn, I was doing some other questions, which means I'm not actually paying attention to her, math as usual, oso "half pail water".. What kind of rubbish am I doing in class?? /*wonders. And worst comes to worst, I am the 6 pointer in school, and I think I am the only one, because I see the R n D board for those "automatic members" and the closest L1R5 I see is 7. Some of my classmates must be wondering how I got my 6 points, which I think personally, is by luck. Haha.. Where got 6 pointer so blur, so slow-witted and all that. So I shall make a declaration to the world now, that I am not smart at all. I do have other talents, such as slacking, sleeping, eating though.

PC as usual was torturing, shall not talk about it anymore, but it leaves me with a "broken leg". My leg feels broken, but obviously it's not. Just some kind of muscle cramp. I was lousy in games cos by nature, I'm not a sports kind of person, and I really very bad at captain's ball.. Don't have the height, don't have the skills.. So, sorry to all my teammates for being "redundant" during the game.

Yup, I changed my uniform on wednesday to commonwealth sec one. It's blue in colour, and the uniform is quite nice la, in my opinion. Better than BLSS one.. Haha.. Though I don't look good in any kind of uniform.. I changed my uniform two times. First time is Dunearn sec one, and strangely, ppl say that I look like a primary sch kid. Am I that young?? Lol.. I don't think I look like a primary sch kid at all. Haha, but not feeling offended at all of cos, jus amused. Anyway, I have gotten used to ppl saying that I look younger than my age (this has started since I'm five yrs old).

So there, had to go to Arts museum all this places to get my portfolio done. Yawns, boring... Can't go SP liao.. Anyway, I got love fiesta tickets to sell. Any takers? Contact me at my hp number..

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