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This is Michelle from NTU, who has a blur queen personality and a love for biology.
Currently studying at the School of Biological Sciences.
I have my birthday celebration on 16 June every year.
Loves singing, reading, baking and eating.
Basically your good old plain Jane! :))

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cHiNeSe nEw yEaR
tHe eVe oF tHe eVe oF cNy
rEaChiNg tHe WeEkeNds.. 0.o
nEvEr bLog fOr mAni dAyS
oG 16 oUtiNg =)
bOnEs R bReAkiNg (part I)
--aNgrY wiTh mYsELf--
2nD wEeK oF sChOoL oVeR

My sister to get a boyfriend
New school bag
Have A&W curly fries and root beer
Donate blood
New pair of pumps
An overseas trip soon
The tales of Beedle the Bard
To push myself into First class honours
Jog regularly
Lose 2 kilos!
Mend the emptiness in my bank account
Golden flats from COTTON ON
More tops!
light grey denim skinny
Nice comfortable heels
Trim my hair
Handbag/slingbag for going out
Try charcoal mask



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Sunday, February 13, 2005
zOo @ 5:01 PM

Originally, today I'm supposed to go guan zhu's hse and bai nian one.. For some reason, it had to be called off and postponed.. Haha, really miss my blss friends to bits. Somehow, they are the ones whom I am closer to, because in a way, I grew up with them. From a itsie bitsie tiny little 12 year old, to a full grown teenager of 16 +. It is a huge jump, I must say. Anyway, they wanna play black jack at guan zhu's place. Gambling not very good la, but we must admit that chinese can't stay away from it. Even when I go to my relatives' house, they will be down there playing mahjong, black jack, big 2. Hey, I am considered very good already. I refrained from gambling on that day until the last round, where I played 10 games or so. I won 13 bucks.. Yeah..! Got once, I betted with $5, then I got black jack, then the banker have to pay me double, which is $10. Wah, so happy leh.. But in the very next game, I lose all my ten bucks, because the banker black jacked and we all had to pay him double. Really got a bit bu gan yuan. But luckily, I won back my money in the end, and even had $13 extra.

Recap on yesterday when I went my wai po's house. She is my mum's adopted mum, so she is my third grandmother. Anyway, I saw keng keng (my aunt's 5 yr old daughter), and she is extremely chatty and active compared to the last time I saw her. I played "play-doh" with her, and that that smart girl made me keep all the toys. Then, we played treasure-finding and lastly, sea rack. Haiz, then keng keng had to go to her phonics lesson and I had to go some other place. I guess she will be mad at me when she go home after her lesson and find me missing. Lol..

Today, I woke up at 8am plus, preparing to go to singapore zoological garden. The last time I went there was ... erm.. tonnes of years ago? Can't remember. First time I had KFC fried chicken and zinger burger for breakfast, at 9am plus at that. Lol.. My cousins joined us later at 10 am plus. Hmm...I didn't get to sit on the tram though. Had to walk all the way. Anyway, I had an elephant ride. It was pretty normal, except that I'm unusually high up. Normally, I had to look up on people when I talk to them, because of my dismal height of 152cm. Initially, I wanted a pony ride too, but found out that it is only for children (12 yrs old and below). Lol.. Guess I'm old liao ba. So I had to sit there, and wait for my cousins to take their pony rides, then help them take pictures lor. Btw, they are 8 n 7 yrs old respectively.

It was really spooky inside the reptile garden. All dark and cooling, and another thing - I don't like snakes. There is this place, where you can enter and get closer to those cold-blooded animals. I simply REFUSED to go inside. I'm not risking any snakes dropping on my shoulder or anything liddat. My mum says that I'm "dan xiao".. but hey, everyone got their own fears ma. Anyway, in the zoo, I met a cute little kid, who is german, is blonde n blue-eyed, and look exactly like Harry Potter. I mean, he cant be older than 3 yrs old and there he was, wearing glasses. Actually, I wanna take his photo because he is one of the cutest kids I see, but then, he and his family is german and I reckon they can't understand me. I am not the only crazy one to find a complete stranger little kid cute hor. There was this chinese family who actually stopped in front of them, and told his parents that their child is cute! Very friendly of them, I must say.

Tomorrow have to go back to school again.. sianz.. Everytime I go the school, I am reminded of my nearing o level results. God, I really don't wanna take it back. What if I didn't perform up to expectations? I dunno what I should do then. My parents have always assumed that I can get into jc.. Omg, what if I can't?? And if I really do get in, would I be able to cope?? Really vexed and disturbed about this.

Sticks and stones can break the bones, but words can shatter the souls. In this liberal society, we all talked about freedom of speech. But do we still need to care about other people's feelings? Think about it.

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